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Subject Source: Local sources

Found in 158 Collections and/or Records:

Academic Standards Committee Records

Identifier: UA 0027
Scope and Contents

This collection includes minutes, agenda, memos, correspondence, reports, and proposals, published articles about academic standards and related student/faculty topics are included. These consist of response to graduate study proposals, statement of purpose, undergraduate and graduate positions, faculty suggestions for advising, Applied Study Term (AST), CLEP and graduation requirements.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1975-1983

Advisory Committee on the Status of Women records

Identifier: UA 0050
Scope and Contents

This collection contains the materials relating to the committee. These include reports about the status of women, areas where women were affected in higher education, notes, memberships, and areas of SSU specific where women played a large part in working at.

Dates: 1967-1991

Affirmative Action Office Subject Files

Identifier: UA 0064
Scope and Contents This collection contains memos correspondence, notes, reports, grievances and proposals for Affirmative Action Office, 1990-1995. It also contains administrative evaluations, Board of Regents legal proposals, intellectual property, property acquisitions, and real estate regulations. Files also contain collective bargaining correspondence, budget discussions, civil service audit reports, university alcohol policy and correspondence regarding status of University Women committee. Lastly, it...
Dates: 1984-1995

Affirmative Action - Presidential Search Committee

Identifier: UA 0070
Scope and Contents

The Personnel Services Presidential Search subject files contain meeting notes and memos between search committee members. In regards to this search, Durward Long was hired for the position of the President of SSU.

Dates: 1984

Affirmative Action Subject Files

Identifier: UA 0069
Scope and Contents This collection contains correspondence, memos, documents, and reports from the Affirmative Action Office under the leadership of Edyth Cole, and Jack C. Coleman, correspondence with Louis Allen, James Drake, Chick Francis, John Keiser, Larry Shiner, Robert Spencer, and Dottie Troop. It also contains memos from the Coleman Chronological files, 1976-78, agenda, minutes, and memos from the Division heads Meetings, 1967-77, as well as memos and correspondence from Good Faith Searches/...
Dates: 1971-1978

Agenda for Action Committee Records

Identifier: UA 0060
Scope and Contents

This collection contains the reports, proposals, memos, correspondence, and working papers of the committing that concern the administrative reorganization and implementation of the recommendations of the NCA Self Study.

Dates: 1974

Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs – Rebecca Veach Records

Identifier: UA 0065
Scope and Contents This collection is split into two major sections, a file of administrative documents from 1978 and early 1979, and a copy of the Operations and Procedures manual for Sangamon State University from 1977.The first section contains many different types of documents relating to the administration of the Academic Affairs department. It includes budget reports, correspondences, procedure guidelines, program descriptions, major requirements, faculty lists, a draft of a dedication...
Dates: 1977-1979

C2/1/1. Faculty Senate, Agendas, Minutes & Working Papers, 1975-1996 Series I

Identifier: C-02-01/01 Series I
Scope and Contents

This series contians records and papers of the faculty senate and include minutes and agendas, reports, correspondence and working papers concerning elections, bylaws, task forces, sabbatical leave, and comittees. Committtees include: Academic, Budget & Staffing, Committee on Committees & Communiyt College Coordination Committee.

Dates: Created: 1975 - 1996; Other: Date acquired: 06/12/1978

C4/1/3. Student Senate, Working Papers & Minutes, 1971-1995

Identifier: C-04-01/03
Scope and Contents

This series contains the working papers and minutes of the Student Senate from 1971 through 1995. Topics included budget requests, correspondence, contracts, grants, handbooks, committees, student activities, election information and handbooks.

Dates: Created: 1971 - 1995

C1/1/10. Luther Skelton (Campus Senate Chair), Working Papers 1995-1998

Identifier: C-01-01/10
Scope and Contents

Working Papers of Faculty/Campus Senate Chair Luther Skelton. Skelton, Professor of Environmental Studies, was chair from 1995-1998. The records consist of minutes from Campus Senate meetings, minutes and notes from various council and committee meetings, governance matters, minutes and notes from Board of Trustees meetings, and miscellaneous information from senate conferences. Records also contain budget planning information as well as Campus Senate by-laws and handbooks.

Dates: Created: 1995 - 1998