Faculty Senate - Bills and Resolutions
Scope and Contents
This collection contains bills and resolutions and constitutes a record of all legislation passed by the Faculty Senate from 1978-1987. There are many more resolutions than bills. Topics include Public Affairs Colloquium courses, the Learning Center, review of faculty member files, faculty salary increases, child care center, student recruitment and retention, campus police, tenure and promotion for faculty, physical development of campus, affirmative... action, Faculty Senate by laws, SSU Constitution and the NCA Accreditation process.
See moreDates
- Majority of material found within 1978-1988
- Sangamon State University (Person)
The collection is open under the rules and regulations of the University of Illinois- Springfield (UIS)
Copyrights to this collection are held by UIS.
From 1970 through 1995 the University Assembly was the legislative body of Sangamon State University (SSU). This name lasted until 1995 when SSU became the University of Illinois-Springfield, and the body was renamed Campus Senate. These are the current terms for the legislative body.
In the University Assembly, pieces of legislation were termed “bills” and in the current legislative environment, pieces of legislation are termed “resolutions”
.5 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
Transferred from the Assembly office piecemeal, 1997-2000
Property Rights
UIS owns the property rights to this collection.
Processing Information
This collection was reprocessed in December 2023. The original order was kept as much as possible.
- Sangamon State University (Person)
- Title
- Finding Aid to the Faculty Senate - Bills and Resolutions
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the UIS Archives/Special Collections Repository
Archives/Special Collections LIB 144
One University Plaza, MS BRK 140
Springfield IL 62703-5407 US